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Syarat Perpanjang STNK 5 Tahun: A Comprehensive Guide

Tri Agus Prasetyo


When it comes to owning a vehicle, there are certain legal requirements that every owner must adhere to. One of these requirements is the annual renewal of your STNK, or Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan. In Indonesia, the STNK serves as proof that your vehicle has been registered and is legally allowed to be on the road. While the usual renewal period for the STNK is one year, some vehicle owners may opt for a longer renewal period, such as 5 years. In this article, we will delve into the process and requirements for extending your STNK for 5 years, commonly referred to as "Perpanjang STNK 5 Tahun."

Importance of Extending STNK for 5 Years

Before we dive into the specific requirements for extending your STNK for 5 years, let’s understand why you might choose this option. One of the main advantages of extending your STNK for a longer period is convenience. By renewing your STNK for 5 years, you won’t need to go through the hassle of renewing it annually. This can save you time, effort, and even money in the long run. Additionally, it provides a sense of security, as you don’t have to worry about forgetting to renew your STNK each year.

Now that we understand the benefits of extending your STNK for 5 years, let’s explore the requirements for doing so.

Requirements for Extending STNK for 5 Years

To successfully extend your STNK for 5 years, you must fulfill certain criteria and provide the necessary documents. Here are the requirements typically needed:

  1. Original Vehicle Registration (BPKB): You will need to present the original Vehicle Registration document, commonly known as BPKB. This document proves your ownership and provides essential information about your vehicle.

  2. Original Identification (KTP or Passport): You need to present a valid identification document, such as your KTP (Kartu Tanda Penduduk) or passport. This is to verify your identity as the vehicle owner.

  3. Original STNK: Present the original STNK document, demonstrating that your current STNK is still valid.

  4. Vehicle Insurance: It is mandatory to have valid vehicle insurance when extending your STNK. Make sure to have a copy of your insurance policy or certificate ready.

  5. Validly Signed Statement Letter: A statement letter is required, declaring that there are no outstanding financial obligations related to your vehicle, such as unpaid taxes or fines.

  6. Proof of Payment: You will need to pay the necessary fees for extending your STNK for 5 years. Make sure to obtain the receipt as proof of payment.

  7. Photocopies of All Required Documents: Prepare photocopies of all the aforementioned documents to submit along with the originals. It’s always advised to have multiple copies, as they might be needed for various purposes.

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Process of Extending STNK for 5 Years

Now that you are familiar with the requirements, let’s discuss the step-by-step process to extend your STNK for 5 years:

  1. Gather the Required Documents: Collect all the original documents and their photocopies, including your BPKB, identification document, STNK, vehicle insurance, statement letter, and proof of payment.

  2. Visit the Local SAMSAT Office: Locate the nearest SAMSAT (Tax-Service Office) in your area. Visit the office and inquire about the specific process for extending your STNK for 5 years. Each SAMSAT office might have slight variations in their procedures.

  3. Submit the Documents: Present the required documents to the SAMSAT officer. Remember to submit the original documents along with their photocopies. The officer will verify the documents and process your application.

  4. Pay the Fees: After the verification process, you will be informed about the exact amount you need to pay for extending your STNK for 5 years. Make the payment and keep the receipt as proof.

  5. Wait for the STNK Extension: The SAMSAT office will process your application, and upon approval, they will issue a new STNK with a 5-year validity. This process might take a few days to weeks, depending on the workload and efficiency of the office.

  6. Collect the New STNK: Once your STNK extension is processed, you will be notified to collect your new STNK. Visit the SAMSAT office within the given timeframe to pick up your updated document. Ensure that all the details on the new STNK are accurate before leaving the office.


The process of extending your STNK for 5 years can provide convenience and peace of mind to vehicle owners in Indonesia. By understanding the requirements and following the process outlined in this article, you can navigate the renewal procedure smoothly. Remember to always keep track of the expiration date of your STNK and plan accordingly to avoid any issues. Stay compliant with the regulations and enjoy a hassle-free driving experience with your extended STNK for 5 years!

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Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is based on general practices and may vary depending on the local regulations and procedures in different regions of Indonesia. It is advised to consult with the local SAMSAT office or relevant authorities for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

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Tri Agus Prasetyo

Tri Agus Prasetyo adalah seorang pehobi sepeda dan pecinta dunia otomotif yang memiliki perpaduan gaya unik. Melalui blognya, Tri berbagi inspirasi tentang gaya bersepdeda yang cocok untuk dikombinasikan dengan sepeda motor. Ia memberikan tips tentang cara tampil trendi dan tetap nyaman saat berkendara. Tri juga suka berbagi informasi tentang aksesori sepeda motor yang modis dan fungsional. Dengan kombinasi antara gaya dan kepraktisan, bahwa Triingin membantu pembaca mengekspresikan diri melalui gaya berkendara mereka.

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